Citizen Unveils the KM-80 Series: A New Era in Precision Timekeeping

Citizen TIC Co., Ltd., a pivotal subsidiary of Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., has introduced the KM-80 Series Time Server Master Clock, marking a significant advancement in time synchronization technology. This release, the first major update in 11 years, is scheduled for September 1st and is poised to redefine the standards of precision timekeeping.

The Significance of the KM-80 Series

For horology enthusiasts and timekeeping specialists, the KM-80 Series represents a critical leap forward in Citizen’s legacy of accuracy and innovation. Master clocks, such as those in the KM-80 Series, are vital for ensuring synchronized timekeeping across diverse industries. From security systems to communication networks, these clocks guarantee that every device within an organization operates with impeccable time precision, an essential factor in today’s digitally interconnected world.

The Crucial Role of Master Clocks in Modern Infrastructure

Master clocks, like the KM-80 Series, are indispensable components in a wide array of modern infrastructures. They serve as the central hub for time synchronization, ensuring that all devices, systems, and processes operate in perfect harmony. This synchronization is especially critical in industries where even the smallest time discrepancy can lead to significant consequences.

In telecommunications, precise timing is essential to manage data transmission across networks, ensuring that calls, messages, and internet traffic flow smoothly without interruption. In broadcasting, synchronized time is crucial for coordinating live broadcasts and ensuring seamless transitions between programs. Financial institutions rely heavily on precise timekeeping to timestamp transactions accurately, which is vital for maintaining the integrity of trades and avoiding discrepancies that could lead to significant financial losses.

Additionally, in security systems, master clocks ensure that surveillance footage is accurately timestamped, which is crucial for investigations and legal proceedings. The integration of such precise timing mechanisms into these various sectors highlights the importance of the KM-80 Series as not just a tool for maintaining time, but as a foundational element of operational reliability and efficiency.

Advanced Time Server Capabilities

The KM-80 Series establishes a new benchmark in time synchronization by significantly enhancing its connectivity. It can now support up to 1,000 devices simultaneously—an impressive 20-fold increase from its predecessor. This expanded capacity is crucial in sectors where precision is paramount, including broadcasting, telecommunications, and financial services, where even a minor discrepancy in time can have substantial implications.

Innovative Features

Citizen has equipped the KM-80 Series with cutting-edge features designed to meet the needs of modern users:

  • Network-Friendly Setup: The KM-80 Series allows remote configuration through a web browser, eliminating the need for dedicated software and ensuring compatibility across various operating systems. This feature simplifies the setup process and enhances accessibility.
  • Customizable Chimes: Addressing the needs of educational institutions, the KM-80 Series supports the registration of up to nine custom MP3 sound files, in addition to seven built-in chimes. This customization capability is particularly beneficial for schools and facilities requiring tailored time signals.
  • Comprehensive Time Correction Methods: The KM-80 Series supports a wide range of time correction methods, including satellite signals, standard radio waves, and digital terrestrial broadcasts. Moreover, it introduces a new SNTP client function for time correction via network servers, ensuring versatile and reliable time synchronization.
  • Improved User Interface: With a redesigned LCD screen and intuitive controls, the KM-80 Series offers enhanced usability, providing clear notifications and status updates at a glance, making it more user-friendly than ever.

Citizen’s Timekeeping Legacy Meets Modern Innovation

Citizen’s expansion into industrial timekeeping is a natural progression of its long-standing expertise in creating precise timepieces. The KM-80 Series exemplifies Citizen’s dedication to accuracy while demonstrating its adaptability to the evolving technological landscape. For collectors and Citizen enthusiasts, the KM-80 Series is a powerful reminder of the brand’s deep roots in precision timekeeping, now extended to meet the demands of contemporary industries.

Pricing and Availability

The KM-80 Series will be offered in two models: the wall-mounted quartz master clock (KM-80/82T series) with prices ranging from 267,300 yen to 876,700 yen, and the panel-type quartz master clock (PT-82T series) priced between 258,500 yen and 359,700 yen. While these prices and release dates are provisional, the anticipation surrounding these models is already building among industry professionals.


The KM-80 Series Time Server Master Clock is more than a technical enhancement; it is a fusion of Citizen’s storied history in watchmaking with its forward-looking approach to time synchronization technology. Whether you are a watch enthusiast intrigued by the technical intricacies of timekeeping or someone captivated by the evolution of precision technology, the KM-80 Series represents an exciting and significant development. For more information and to explore the KM-80 Series in detail, visit the official Citizen website.

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