Timex x seconde/seconde/ Loser collection

Valentine’s Day, the polarizing commercial celebration that elicits love, hatred, or a mix of both. Amidst the traditional gestures of roses and sweet compliments, French creative Romaric Andre, aka seconde/seconde/, takes a divergent route in Timex’ latest collaboration.

The Timex x seconde/seconde/ Loser collection deliberately steps away from the saccharine and embraces the contrary – the bitter and malicious facets of breakups. In the inevitable aftermath of a relationship’s demise, individuals often resort to unconventional remedies for healing. One such approach involves fixating solely on the negatives, reassuring oneself that life is better without the perceived “loser.” It’s a simple, ego-preserving human response that sidesteps introspection, providing onlookers with an amusing spectacle.

While hyping oneself up through ex-bashing may offer temporary satisfaction, the Timex x seconde/seconde/ Loser collection challenges this narrative. Featuring a rotating customized second hand, the collection subverts the typical path of pettiness. Initially labeled with an ‘L’ for ‘loser,’ the hand takes an unexpected turn, pointing towards the wearer every minute. This design prompts self-reflection, urging individuals to ponder whether they might be the “loser” in their own narrative. It questions the simplistic dichotomy of winner and loser, fostering introspection on shared responsibility in the aftermath of a breakup.